"We Need More Human Skills in Business Today”

16-Oct-2018 17:13 | Anonymous

When I speak with leaders about what they find most difficult about their roles they instantly answer ‘the people aspect’.

The ability to connect with a wide range of people, communicate effectively, to promote change in such a way that you win people’s hearts and can therefore implement it successfully, are vital to being a successful leader.

Hard skills require IQ application, an ability to solve problems. It is mostly about your own ability.

Success in soft skills is much more complex.

It requires the science of inspiring conversations, honest conversations, being present, delegating and coaching. It also requires the art of how to complete these successfully with each team member.

They are neither soft nor easy, yet they are crucial to learn if you want to succeed as a leader.

Leading business thinker Simon Sinek goes even further saying “I really reject the idea of soft skills. There is nothing soft about them. We have hard skills & we have human skills. We need more human skills in business today”.

Developing human skills is at the heart of our GREENLINE program. This program will develop your human skills and enable you to have the conversations you know you should have, but have been avoiding.

To get your GREENLINE journey off to a running start, request a copy of our FREE report “Taking the GREENLINE to Skyrocket Your Business: The Top 5 Red Cards to Avoid”.

In this report you will learn:

  • GOOGLE’s research that unlocked the secret to high-performing teams
  • The top 5 Red Card behaviours to STOP doing, that are wasting significant time and resources in your business
  • How to build you own world class, high-performing team

CLICK HERE to get your copy.